The small business of custom phone skins

Have you consider about start a small business of your own? 3 to 5 thousands of US dollars will be sufficient to start your own business of selling custom phone skins all by yourself.

1.  Why should I choose the custom phone skins business?

A. Huge market. Anyone who has a mobile phone is your potential customer. The young people between the 15 to 30 groups are especially fond of the custom phone skins, since the phone skins not only make the phone looks different, but also show their extraordinary personalities.

B. Huge profit. The cost of skins for one mobile phone is between 0.2 to 0.7 US dollars depends on different kinds of film materials. While the sales prices vary from region to region, it can be as high as ten times of the cost in some regions.

2. Why should I choose Daqin?

A. No need franchising, you can produce and sell custom phone skins with your own brand.

B. Daqin provide a professional solution for producing custom phone skins. It contains the mobile skins designing software, printer, laminator, sticker cutter, and the materials.

C. Professional training video and after sales service. High quality training videos with English and Chinese languages are available. Remote control, video chatting and email communication are all available.

3. What’s the solution that Daqin provide?

A. Daqin provide everything necessary to start the custom phone skins business for the first time. Including the software, machines, materials, training videos and after sales service.

B. There are hundreds kinds of film materials available, which can be directly cut into mobile skins. Such as the Crocodile leather films, Desert rock leather films, Carbon fiber films, Super color shining films, Wood grain films, 3D water drops films, Golden films, Luminous films…etc.

C. There are 8 kinds of lamination films available, which are used for adding special texture of the mobile skins. The lamination effects are: glossy, matte, flash-matte, ice flower, gridding, twill, leather and 3D water drops.

4. Where can I learn more about the Daqin’s solution of making custom phone skins?

A. Go to the website and connect with the sales. Or you can read the introduction of the software, machines and materials online. Videos are available.

B. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Firstly you could consider about open an online mobile skins store. Upload some mobile skins pictures to your website to attract customers. Spend some money on advertising to promote your store if necessary. When you have been earned enough money, you could consider about hire some staffs and then open a physical store.

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